As a pastor my heart breaks when Christians share their grief over family members who turn away from their faith. I have been disturbed by the increasing number of Christians, especially younger ones, who have exited their faith. It has also affected me personally with some of our own family members.
Many church leaders and Christian parents whom I have talked to, see this as a serious issue facing the church today. According to one estimate, for every individual who becomes a believer, four will leave the church. Over the next 30 years in USA alone, one million professing Christians will choose not to be affiliated with any kind of Christianity.
My book explores the reasons people exit the Christian life. In addressing this huge issue I have tried to balance theological and apologetic reasoning with easy reading, life-related text. In each chapter I have included a number of stories of people I know who have turned away from Christ in their own lives (with their permission – often using pseudonyms). I write to encourage believers, and provide teaching that is designed to help parents, church leaders and friends who want to both understand the issues, and also want to help those who are turning away. Over the last year as friends and church folk have heard that I am writing on this topic, many have said that the book is really needed and they want to get a copy when it is available.
I write from a position of an understanding of salvation where the sovereignty of God and human responsibility are held in tension. I believe in the eternal security of genuine, born-again believers, and argue in the book that some who turn away never had true saving faith.
I cover subjects that are either central to, or impinge on the issue, such as defining both faith and truth, factoring in the cost of discipleship, understanding apostasy, and exploring how we should respond to those who turn away.
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