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The Greek word “Eureka” means “I found it”. It is the response of many people, then and now, who find Jesus to be the answer to their deepest quest: the desire to find meaning and truth.
Eureka is designed to be read on a daily basis alongside the text of John’s gospel. Each week a review provides an opportunity for the reader to meet with another person, or in a discussion group, to tease out some of the topics raised, and work through any issues and questions that arise.

Getting Right With God

A gospel tract that can either be given to someone, or used as a tool to personally explain the way of salvation.

Growing To Please Him

A 3 month daily devotion for new Christians to help them get established in their faith in Christ and give biblical guidelines for living the Christian life. ‘Growing to Please Him’ is designed to be read on a daily basis with a weekly review that provides an opportunity for the reader to meet with a established Christian to talk through the topics raised and to work through any issues and questions that arise.

On This Rock

U.S. Version

’Biblical foundations’ goes through the basics of the Christian faith, both in terms of what we believe and the way we should behave. It is designed for use as an individual or group setting. It is suited for church membership classes or could be used in one-to-one discipleship.

On This Rock

Australian Version

’Biblical foundations’ goes through the basics of the Christian faith, both in terms of what we believe and the way we should behave. It is designed for use as an individual or group setting. It is suited for church membership classes or could be used in one-to-one discipleship.

There are a limited number of printed versions of "On This Rock" available at AU$5 each plus shipping. Contact Keith if you are interested.

Food For Thought

A daily quiet time is extremely valuable for every Christian. It is a time spent alone with God and His Word. ‘Food For Thought’ is designed for a 12 month period giving Bible passages for each day along with questions that are designed to focus our mind on what God is saying to us through the passage. During the year there is a variety of Scriptures from Old and new Testaments.

Alone In the City

Loneliness is a huge social concern in today’s culture. Isolation caused by age, health or relationship breakdown is experienced by many people. This tract is written to explore the problem and point people to the Savior and to the fellowship of the Church.

Purpose In Pain

One of the greatest obstacles to faith in God is the question of why God allows suffering. This tract gives some helpful reasons why suffering is not inconsistent with belief in a good, loving and wise God.

3 Questions Jehovah's Witnesses Cannot Answer

The zeal and prepared arguments of the Jehovah’s Witnesses is hard for many Christians to counter. This tract is designed to give to a J.W. to allow God to cause them to question the inaccurate interpretation of Scripture that the Watchtower organization has fed them.

Did You Know

Many people, including faithful members of the Mormon Church, are not aware of the false and dangerous beliefs of the cult. This tract is designed to cause people to be wary, and Mormon members to look carefully at what they have embraced.

Ti Hei Mauri Ora

This tract is an explanation of the gospel in English and Maori, using cultural understanding of the Maori people to help explain the way of salvation.

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