< Previous61 THINKING IT THROUGH John 11:33 - 12:50 1. What does Jesus promise in John 11:25-26? In what way do Christians “never die”? (compare 2 Corinthians 5:8) 2. We cannot pour expensive perfume over the feet of Jesus (John 12:1-3), but what can we do to show our appreciation of Him? 3. In what ways can a person “love his life” (verse 25) and end up losing it? How would you answer the question Jesus asked in Mark 8:36? 4. Jesus said that His death would be the cause of people being drawn to Himself (verse 32). What is it about the death of Jesus Christ that moves people to trust and follow Him (Romans 5:8, 8:32)? 5. Why did Jesus stop performing miracles and showing Himself publicly (verses 36-37)? In what way can Jesus “hide Himself” from people today? 6. After reading through the first part of John’s gospel, have you come to a definite decision about Jesus Christ? What is it?62 50 Believing is seeing Read: John 21:19-31 Over the next few days please read through the remainder of John's Gospel. Chapters 13 to 17 record the night before the crucifiction when Jesus spent His last few hours with the closest of His disciples. He prepared them for His departure and encouraged them. He told them that His leaving would make way for God's Spirit to take His place and indwell, guide, teach and empower them for the mission He was sending them to do. Then, in chapters 18 and 19 John records the trial and execution of Jesus. He emphasises that this was not a mistake, a failure or tragedy. God had planned it, evidenced by the number of references made to Old Testament prophecies written hundreds of years prior. As you read the account of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus, keep in mind that Jesus is the Son of God. He could easily have escaped the cross, and destroyed all His enemies. He submitted to the suffering in order to be a perfect sacrifice, taking the place of every guilty person. We deserve the death that He endured on our behalf. His love was so great, He took our place and paid the penalty for our wrongs. "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). Wages represent what is owing for some- thing a person has done, but a gift represents something that is unearned and free. Death is what is owed us for the wrongs we have done, but God's gift of forgiveness and eternal life are given free. The sinless One from heaven took our place and died the death that we deserve. In Chapters 20 and 21 we read of the resurrection, and susequent events that occured before Jesus' return to heaven. The disciples found it hard to believe that their Master had risen again. It was an intellectual challenge to them all, especially to the most skeptical - Thomas. He stated that he would not believe unless he saw proof. He would not be convinced without the marks of the crucifiction, proving it to be the actual body of Jesus that was risen from the dead. Jesus appeared to him and showed him the fresh scars in His hands and feet, and the wound in His side. There could be no greater proof! Thomas worshipped! He called Jesus "My Lord and my God" (which Jesus accepted as a true statement of fact). Many other disciples saw Jesus in the days that followed, including over 500 at one occasion (1 Corinthians 15:6). Jesus showed He was truly risen with "many convincing proofs" (Acts 1:3). Jesus' words to Thomas are appropriate for us today. Thomas had said that he would not believe without seeing. Like the saying: "Seeing is believing"! Jesus said: "“You believe because you have seen Me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing Me.”Next >